The Stuart Clan 2008

The Stuart Clan 2008
Tom and Davina with his 4 children and the grandbaby

Friday, September 3, 2010


Sorry for the gap in posting. It has been a busy 2 months. Sisters in law and several other relatives came to visit for a bit, kept us busy. Then we had the big end of summer sending home of the girls and then starting the big end of summer clean up. Have been busy, busy. Then B1 and C had to go back down to Washington for C's brother's wedding, so I'm watching the grand baby all this past week and for a few more days.
For the most part, it's been loads of fun. She's working on potty training and is doing really well. She hasn't managed to poop in the potty yet, but she'd doing great with peeing in the potty. And is doing great at flushing and washing her hands and such.
The frustrating part has been her eating patterns. She is at that stage where she randomly decides that she doesn't like certain foods. It doesn't matter if she loved it yesterday, or has never tried it before, she will just randomly decide she isn't going to eat something and then will just sit and sulk and refuse to even speak. *sigh* It's very frustrating and I'm at a loss for dealing with it. I've gone and bought the organic stuff her mom buys just for this occasion, and she won't touch it. Hoping we don't have too much more of this during the next few days as I'm running out of ideas. Luckily though, hubby will be home tonight so maybe he'll have a few extra ideas.

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